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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Hillary Undermining Our Republic

The very heart and soul of our beautiful Republic is about to be tested. Hillary Clinton is pushing this country towards a moral conundrum. Her selfishness and greed are the primary factors leading to this. Her willingness to put herself above every American and upset the delicate balance of our country shows the type of person she is.  Let me explain. 
    If Hillary is indicted before the Democratic convention, then the Democratic Party will be able to pick a replacement and hopefully the Democratic process will continue without a hitch.  But herein lies the problem...if she is indicted after the convention the Democrat Party has no rules or guidelines to be able to replace her or to even get her on the ballot in all fifty states.  We can also assume that certain states will not allow changes to the voting process at such a late date and the issue will inevitably go to the Supreme Court.  The Supreme Court is currently divided 4-4 so out illustrious President will use his dictatorial powers to try to circumvent the process.  We are about to challenge the very foundation of our Republic.  Why?  Because our founding fathers never in their wildest dreams thought that a person as crooked as Hillary would ever be a nomination for the highest office in the land.

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