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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Real Unemployment Rate In America Will Surprise You

The Government claims unemployment in the USA is 4.7% or 7.4 million people as of June 1, 2016.  That is a lie.

Follow my methodology here because it is very simple.
Webster's Dictionary definition of unemployment:  The state of not having a job.
Obama's definition of unemployment: 
  1. Persons unemployed 15 weeks or longer, as a percent of the civilian labor force.  What does this mean?  To figure this out we have to know what the civilian labor force is.
  According to the Labor Department:  Civilian Labor Force is the sum of civilian employment and civilian unemployment. These individuals are civilians (not members of the Armed Services) who are age 16 years or older, and are not in institutions such as prisons, mental hospitals, or nursing home.

The population of the United States as of June, 29 2016 was 324,097,502.  This includes migrants however it does not include people "hiding in the shadows".  Technically that would mean we have 317 million people working according to logic.  But we don't.  The Civilian Labor Force number comes into play here.  Remember...all people institutionalized don't count according to the strict definition of the Civilian Labor Force.  The government claims that we have 72 million people that don't fit the description of employable.  That must mean that we have 72 million people in hospitals, prisons, nursing homes or the looney bin.  Wow, that's more than the population of France, the 21st most populated nation in the can that be?  I am about to blow your mind.  We actually only have 141,500,000 people with jobs in the United States as of June 1, 2016. 

So if we take the population age eligible workers over 16:  79% of 324 million =256 million
Subtract the 72 million that are handicapped by an institution:  184 million

So now we are at 184 million eligible workers. 

Unemployment should be: 184/256 = 28%  That's 90,720,000 people...what's the deal?  They are not institutionalized.  How did the government arrive at 4.7 percent or 7.4 million people? 

Magic.  Or fuzzy math as George Bush would say. 

The government claims that only 142 million people have jobs. That means that 56% of this country is not working.  So where is the other 42 million people that don't fit into this category of eligible workers.  I will break it down.
  1. People who are just pathetic and will never get a job are no longer counted.  This number is estimated at 20 million people.  The government however counts them outside of the civilian labor force.
  2. 15 million over 20 and in school but not working. Again, the government does not count these.
  3. 32 million received unemployment. They are counted as employed. Huh?
So...only 7 million people are looking for jobs.

Institutionally disabled people and under 16 account for:                             72 million
Lazy people count for:                                                                                    20 million
Lazy Students ages 20-25                                                                               15 million
Unemployed but receiving UE.  Includes the 7 million                                 32 million
People actually working:                                                                                142 million
Retired/receiving disability/but 20 million retired still working.                   42  million

How long do you think this country will last?  182 million people not working?
That's 60 million more than the population of Mexico.  If our unemployed were a country we would be the 6th largest country in the world.

Now you know why the government wants immigration so badly.  They (immigrants) will work, for a while anyway, and the government will continue to prop up the greatest Ponzi Scheme ever created to the detriment of the other 44% that actually works.  When it comes crashing down, the government will blame the middle class...if we still have one by then. 

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