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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Where Was Obama During Benghazi? Finally Some Theories.

     Just where was Obama during the Benghazi debacle?  In September of 2014, the Bezos owned Washington Post wrote:

So how is it that the White House has failed to give a full account of the president’s whereabouts during that eight-hour period?  The White House knows precisely where he was and what he was doing, yet it is refusing to share that information with Congress and the American people. This is unacceptable.  Imagine if 20 months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the George W. Bush White House had still refused to account for where the president was or what he was doing that day. There would be outrage and constant demands from the press, Congress and other investigators demanding to know the answer to a simple factual question: Where was the president?

 Also, where was Barack Obama on September 12, 2012, one day after the Benghazi terror attack that killed four Americans?

Not at his daily intelligence briefing, according to documents secured by the Benghazi Select Committee;  Obama skipped that meeting too.  That's a total of 29 hours that we don't know where our president was.  Hillary said she talked to him at "some point" during the night but would not give her testimony under oath. 

Remember the night he killed Bin Laden?  There were pictures of him everywhere in the situation room.  You would have thought he caught his first cousin all by himself.

It is now 4 years later and we still don't know.  The White House has refused to cooperate or even answer.  Obama knows and Hillary knows.

The Trumpening has finally come up with some are our top ten.

  1. He was playing night golf.  A new night course had opened just down the road and he wanted to push his presidential total to 200 rounds by 2013.  He's at 300 now.
  2. He was playing spades or twister with his body man and rumored lover, Reggie Love.
  3. He was having Ambien sex with Michelle.  Nasty.
  4. He was drunk.  I am guessing Hennessey and OJ.
  5. He was getting a face lift and didn't want the cameras to see him.
  6. He was getting a gerbil removed.
  7. The Back Street Boys were giving him a special show.
  8. He was high.  We all know that Barry likes the dank.
  9. Him and Hillary were getting to know each other.  I just threw up in my mouth a little.
  10. He was playing Black Ops 4 with Zuckerberg.

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