Why Do I Like The Donald?

Part 1 of a Rambling Series
     In 2014, I heard Ted Cruz speak for the first time.  I was amazed by his knowledge of the Constitution, his willingness to stand up against the “The Establishment”, and his genuine love of this country.  I watched the Republican Party cringe, cry, and fall apart as he stood up and fought ObamaCare using the power of the purse.  I opened the old wallet, and for the first time in my life, donated money to a politician. But then I realized…this man was too nice…too entrenched…too easy to fold for the good of the R-Word party.   Then Donald Trump entered the fray and I closed my wallet and watched in amazement as a man with obvious signs of Tourette’s Syndrome bumbled his way to the front of the line.   I watched as two parties of crooks united to try and destroy one person…The Donald.  (It reminded me of that time at band camp when Bush, Pelosi and Reid all got together and sang Cumbaya, then shoved a tuba up our collective arses under the facade of TARP.  We found out years later that TARP stood for:  Total Ass Rape of the American People.)  I remember thinking at the time that a lot wealthy people must be in trouble for these people to form such an unholy alliance.

    Plastic Woman                          Stupid                            Lady Voice

Eight years later, Plastic Woman, Stupid, and Lady Voice have been joined by their usual thugs:  Fox News, CNN, Hillary, Obama, Lindsey Graham, Reince Priebus, Wasserman, etc.  They are all united in fear of The Donald for one big reason… MONEY.  Nobody can claim influence over him.  The lobbyist are falling all over themselves trying to justify their jobs to the corporate elite that pay them to corrupt.  Google and Apple especially hate him because he wants to put an end to their illegal labor pools and cheap overseas sweatshops.  Bet your sweet ass The Don would not have bailed out the people that caused the 2008 fiscal collapse.  (In case you’re wondering, we bailed out 958 companies for a total of 619 billion dollars.  Lobbyist spent 435 million dollars in 2008 convincing these three clowns to form the legion of doom.  So yeah…Trump scares the hell out of them.) 
This Concludes Part One of My Rambling